Our journey that began in 2017...
Leyli Sanat Derneği was conceived on the night of December 1, 2017, born out of a desire to create an “alternative production space” due to concerns about finding a place in mainstream production areas. Ufuk, a cinema student, worked on this idea throughout the night, taking notes and sharing it with friends the next morning. Announced on social media, the idea quickly gained interest, leading to meetings where the foundations of the association were laid. The name “Leyli,” meaning “night,” was inspired by the creativity that flourishes during nighttime.
Leyli Sanat officially announced its establishment on December 1, 2018, began calling for volunteers, and organized events. The dedicated volunteer team soon strengthened its ties, participating in numerous events by the STGM Association, enhancing the platform’s capacity and confidence in the civil society sector. In 2019, Leyli Sanat’s participation in the Sivil Sesler Festival further solidified collaborations with other NGOs.
On January 15, 2021, Leyli Sanat gained official association status and, despite limited economic resources, started operating from its first office in Istanbul Kartal. Through partnerships with municipalities and private institutions, the association professionalized its events and reached thousands of people.
Ocak 2024
After hosting numerous events in multicultural districts like Kadıköy and Beyoğlu, the association moved its office to Kadıköy to reach a broader audience. As of February 2024, Leyli Sanat Derneği continues its active operations from its office in Kadıköy Osmanağa.
Şubat 2024
With the SİYAH (Art, Inspiration, Life, Justice, Rights) e-magazine project, we continue to merge the fields of culture, arts, and civil society, publishing quality, inclusive, and diverse content.
Nisan 2024
In April 2024, the association's first project was launched with the support of the European Union's Civil Society Program.
Leyli Sanat Derneği, ifade özgürlüğü hak temelli çalışmalar yürüten, bireylerin duygu ve düşüncelerini kültür/sanat aracılığıyla paylaşmasına alan ve fırsat oluşturan yeni nesil bir sivil toplum kuruluşudur.